The End of Dieting!
Why The Most Popular Weight Loss Method Will Soon Become Extinct
By Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, RHN
Holistic Nutritionist, Foodie,
and NY Times Bestselling author, The All-Day Energy Diet
Doesn't it seem as though everywhere you turn someone is talking about the latest “lose weight quick” diet plan or weight loss supplement? To be honest, given the current obesity epidemic, I totally get it.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2012 35.1% of American adults were obese and 39.9% were overweight. That means well TWO THIRDS of Americans adults are overweight. (1)
This is also why “weight loss” has become the billion dollar industry that it is today. New “quick fix” diets, workout plans, pills, powders, and supplements pop up on the market everyday!
However, even though most weight loss fads seem to come and go like the wind, there is one weight loss “solution” that has managed to withstand the test of time… that is calorie counting.
To date, the most common tactic people use to lose weight is to reduce their caloric intake via calorie counting. But I think it is obvious, given the current number of overweight and obese adults (69% when both are added together!), calorie counting just isn’t’ cutting it!
If you are like most people, you yourself have lost weight using a diet plan only to gain it all right back as soon as it was over. If this is the case, please know that you are not alone!
The truth is, there is a reason why all your past attempts to lose weight and keep it off may not have panned out for you. When it comes to weight loss, there are a few things the weight loss industry would rather you didn’t know about.
Once you know these tightly held secrets, you’ll have the knowledge you need to lose that excess body weight for good.
And that’s exactly what you’ll learn today but more on that in a second…
My name is Yuri Elkaim. I’m a New York Times bestselling author, holistic nutritionist, and renowned health expert having helped over 500,000 to better health over the past two decades. You may have seen me on the Dr. Oz Show or even The Doctors educating millions of viewers on how to lose weight and improve their health.
In this article I will reveal the BEST way to approach weight loss and why anything is simply futile. Using this unique weight loss approach you’ll know exactly what you need to do to lose weight - for good.
Fact: Your Body Wants You To Stay Right Where You Are
Researchers have found that your weight, much like your body temperature, is physiologically regulated. In other words your body will naturally and automatically make adjustments to both your caloric intake and activity level to keep your body weight at its “set point” weight. (2)
This is why trying to lose weight solely by reducing calories tends to bring all that weight back on as soon as the diet is over. In other words, you might lose weight counting calories but, in doing so, your body’ lowers its metabolic rate, while increasing your hunger so that you eat to the point where you reach your set point again. (7)
This is why, even though one person’s weight can differ drastically from another’s, their weights will not vary drastically from one week to the next.
Studies have shown that body weight only varies about 0.5% over a two to three month period whether the person is of a healthy weight or not. (2) This is precisely why calorie counting (or any other short term diet) will not work. Your set point will prevail every single time.
For this reason, diets and calorie counting often leads to yo-yo dieting or repeated bouts of weight loss and regain. Losing and regaining weight in this way is very bad for your health.
Studies show there is a link between yo-yo dieting and all-cause mortality and mortality from coronary heart disease. (3) As if an increased risk of death from any cause wasn’t enough, “weight cycling” is also linked to psychological disorders, life dissatisfaction, and binge eating. (3)
The real nail in the weight loss coffin is the fact that with each yo-yo in weight the body responds by regaining the weight faster and making subsequent weight loss harder. One study found it is four times harder for yo-yo dieters to lose weight than for those who have not had repeated bouts of weight loss and regain. (8)
GOOD NEWS: Your Body’s “Set Point” Is Not Fixed!
Before you get discouraged, I am happy to tell you that even though you have a set point weight, sustainable weight loss is possible. Luckily, the same researchers who proved our bodies have a set point also discovered that our set points can be lowered.
In other words, your set point weight is not fixed and it can be lowered so that you maintain a lower weight consistently. (2) However, you have to understand the inner workings of your body (your hormones, etc…) need to be in working order for this to happen.
Different diets, including the low calorie variety, lead to biochemical changes to important hormones and enzymes in your body. This is why all the old ideas on how to lose weight have not made a dent in the obesity epidemic. (4)
Making lasting changes in your set point is dependent on the manipulation of specific hormones in your body. And this can ONLY be accomplished by focusing on the QUALITY, not quantity, of the food you eat.
A Calorie Isn’t Just A Calorie…Even Rats Know The Difference
The quality of the foods you eat can have a huge impact on your body’s physiology. These changes can either have a positive or negative effect on your body weight.
To prove this point Dr. Nancy J. Rothwell and her colleagues did a number of studies using rats to determine the impact food quality and quantity have on body weight.
In the first study, rats were divided into 3 test groups. The first was fed the equivalent of a low-quality Standard American diet. The second was fed a natural rat diet, and the third was fed a natural rat diet with the addition of a bitter tasting substance. (5)
The rats were allowed to eat as much as they wanted of their respective diets for 16 days. On the 17th day the researcher discovered the low-quality group had gained weight, the natural diet group stayed the same weight, and the natural but bitter group lost weight. These weights were then determined to be their set point. (5)
After the weigh in, the rats were starved until they lost approximately 10% of their body weight. The rats were then given unlimited access to the same three diets described above. What the researchers found is that each group of rats overate until they had returned to their previously determined set point. (5)
This study shows that the quality of the food the rats ate determined their set point weight, not the amount of food.
The researchers then wanted to find out whether exercise would have an effect on set point. In the next experiment, all three groups were give the same diets described above only with the addition of extra exercise.
Here is where things get even more interesting.
Despite exercising more, each rat maintained their respective set point body weight predetermined by the quality of their diets! (6) Basically, each rat naturally and unconsciously increased the amount they ate in order to maintain their set point weight.
This is why the Standard American Diet is so detrimental to your waist line. It is rich in calories, sodium, sugar, and low in fiber making it the very definition of a low-quality diet!
And if you think eating diet, low fat, fat free, or low sugar foods are better, you are wrong! These foods are nothing more than prepackaged and processed chemicals that have just as much of a negative impact on your hormone levels as a nuclear disaster.
Why You’re Hungry All The Time
Ghrelin and leptin are the two primary hormones that regulate your body’s hunger and satiety signals. Leptin is secreted from your fat cells and tells your brain that you have enough energy and that you are full, while ghrelin lets your brain when you are hungry.
The problem though is that excess body fat actually damages leptin and ghrelin’s ability to communicate with your brain making you hungrier than you should be. This is obviously the opposite of what you want when weight loss is your goal.
If you eat high amounts of sugary foods or prepackaged or processed foods, it will cause your blood sugar and insulin to spike. This hinders weight loss because insulin promotes fat storage.
Both fructose and MSG have been shown to impair the signaling pathway between leptin and the hypothalamus. Basically, they don’t allow your brain to get the message that you are full so you keep – so end up eating more. This is also what happens when you drink alcohol since your body processes alcohol just like fructose.
What you need to keep in mind is that hormonal activity in the body is extremely complicated and this complication becomes more evident in those who are overweight and obese. Couple that with the devastating consequences that come with eating a low- quality diet and the reason calorie counting doesn’t work becomes crystal clear!
How to Lower Your Set Point...And Your Weight
What I want you to takeaway here is that the key to sustainable weight loss is to lower your set point. And the only way you can lower your set point is by improving the quality of the food you eat…and by exercising more intelligently.
This doesn’t mean that if you count calories and increase your exercise you won’t lose weight. You absolutely will, however, if you don’t change the quality of your food for the long-term any weight that you lose will always be temporary.
Calorie counting, diets, pills, powders and weight loss supplements all fight against your body’s natural physiology. What I am recommending is that you decide, today, to stop working against your body and instead work with it.
In order to do that you must figure out a way to transform your body back to its natural ability to keep you at a healthy weight. And that’s all about improving the quality of your food. When you do so, the quantity of food becomes far less important. Because, by this point, you’ll now know when to stop eating and that your body has received all the nutrients that it needs.
This is a sharp contrast to tedious calorie counting. It’s just not sustainable! And as you now know, unsustainable diet changes only lead to weight regain which damages your ability to lose weight again in the future.
If sustainable weight loss is what you are after, I recommend before you start any diet plan, you ask yourself this, “Can I do this forever?” If the answer is no, then you absolutely must not do it because, if you do, you will only end up doing metabolism and hormones more harm than good.
The Tastiest and Most Convenient Way to Lose Weight And Keep It Off
The truth is, you deserve a better weight loss solution than the plethora of weight loss fads that are on the market today. And it all starts with the food you eat…without counting calories like a number crunching accountant during tax season.
And I understand that figuring out how to eat well, in a way that help you lose weight and keep it off, while also improving your health, is not an intuitive act.
That’s why we’ve created a solution to help alleviate these issues. If you’ve struggled with not knowing what to have for dinner or how to eat healthy in general, then you’ll love what we’ve put together for you on the next page.
If you’re tired of wasting all your time in the kitchen or are scared of healthy meals because they taste like cardboard, then today could be the last day you ever have to worry.
At last, you have a simple solution that takes the thinking out of healthy meal prep. One that provides you with quick, done-for-you fat burning recipes and meal plans.
There is nothing like this – anywhere.
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Lame and Frustrating
- Keesey, R. E., & Hirvonen, M. D. (1997). Body weight set-points: determination and adjustment. The Journal of nutrition, 127(9), 1875S-1883S.
- Brownell, K. D., & Rodin, J. (1994). Medical, metabolic, and psychological effects of weight cycling. Archives of Internal Medicine, 154(12), 1325-1330.
- Manninen, A. H. (2004). Is a calorie really a calorie? Metabolic advantage of low-carbohydrate diets. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 1(2), 1-6.
- Rothwell, N. J., Stock, M. J., & Warwick, B. P. (1985). Energy balance and brown fat activity in rats fed cafeteria diets or high-fat, semisynthetic diets at several levels of intake. Metabolism, 34(5), 474-480.
- Rothwell, N. J., & Stock, M. J. (1980). Similarities between cold-and diet-induced thermogenesis in the rat. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 58(7), 842-848.
- MacLean, P. S., Higgins, J. A., Johnson, G. C., Fleming-Elder, B. K., Donahoo, W. T., Melanson, E. L., & Hill, J. O. (2004). Enhanced metabolic efficiency contributes to weight regain after weight loss in obesity-prone rats. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 287(6), R1306-R1315.
- Brownell, K. D., Greenwood, M. R. C., Stellar, E., & Shrager, E. E. (1986). The effects of repeated cycles of weight loss and regain in rats. Physiology & Behavior, 38(4), 459-464.